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Student Leadership

The CMB is relies heavily on its leaders to support and embody the mission of the CMB.  The leaders help cultivate our sense of family from the time a new member walks through the doors of the Hunter Smith Band Building until they time they walk the Lawn at graduation.  CMB students are called to serve the needs of the band and their fellow band members to create a culture that is unique and exciting.  Our leadership structure allows first year members to focus on playing and marching first while providing numerous opportunities for growth over four years in the CMB.  Full descriptions of the positions listed below can be found in the menu to the right!

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Student Leadership Positions

  • Drum Majors - conduct and lead the entire band at rehearsals & performances as well as coordinate logistics across the band with the directors
  • Woodwind & Brass Section Leaders - These students lead musical rehearsal for each section and are responsible for each section becoming a cohesive team
  • Color Guard & Drumline Captains - These students serve as the primary leaders for the Drumline and Colorguard sections
  • Drumline Segment Leaders (drumline only) - These students lead various aspects of rehearsal and performance execution and preparation for the individual segments of our drumline. 
  • Drill Instructors - These students instruct the setting of, and transitions between drill formations as well as design our in-place visuals
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Crew Positions

  • Band Day Crew - assist in Band Day setup/organization
  • Band Banquet Crew - assist in planning/preparing for the annual band banquet & collect/organize CMB-related multimedia
  • Rehearsal Equipment Crew - setup/tear down field equipment for rehearsals and performances 
  • Color Guard Equipment Crew - maintain/prepare relevant equipment for the Color Guard
  • Drumline Equipment Crew - maintain/prepare relevant equipment for the Drumline
  • Flip Folder Librarians - Create/inventory/organize/maintain our inventory of CMB music, flip folios, and lyres
  • Game Day Crew - prepare stadium stands for home football games
  • Social Media/Communications Committee Chair - Collaborate with directors regarding messaging to be posted on social media
  • Systems & Operations Committee Chair - Leads a volunteer commitee of members who focus on gatering constructive feedback to improve the band experience.
  • Uniform Crew - organize and maintain uniforms along with issued all CMB apparel and gameday gear