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Wind Ensemble UVA Band

Wind Ensemble Auditions

Visit the Music Department’s Ensembles Webpage to access the audition materials PDFs.

Auditions are recorded and submitted using the Wind Ensemble Audition Submission Form. Fall 2025 auditions should be recorded and submitted by 10PM on Wednesday, August 27; Spring 2026 auditions should be recorded and submitted by 10 PM on Wednesday, January 14, 2026. You will receive an email from Dr. Tackitt 48–72 hours after the audition deadline with the results of your audition.

The first Fall 2025 Wind Ensemble rehearsal is Monday, September 1; the first Spring 2026 Wind Ensemble rehearsal is Monday, January 12, 2026. All regular rehearsals are in the Hunter Smith Band Building on Monday evenings from 6:45–9 PM.

Wind Ensemble audition excerpts are selected from the upcoming semester's repertoire. Auditionees are encouraged to utilize recordings available on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, etc. to gain a deeper understanding of each excerpt. Email the Director of Bands, Elliott Tackitt (, with any questions you may have about the audition process.